London TDA Seminar - 15.11.2022

London TDA Seminar - 15.11.2022

The London TDA seminar is a research seminar gathering researchers and practitioners in Topological Data Analysis based in and around London. It takes place four times a year in the School of Mathematical Sciences building at Queen Mary University of London, in Mile End.

Schedule 15.11.2022

The seminar will run from 10am to 5pm, and take place in MB502 and MB503 (see below for details). We will have lunch at The Curve, on the Mile End campus.

10-10.45 Ginestra Bianconi (QMUL) - The dynamics of higher-order networks: the effect of topology and triadic interactions (MB502)

10.45-10.55 Introduction to discussion session at 4pm, and call for problems or topics. (MB502)

11-12 Kristian Strommen (Oxford) - A topological perspective on weather regimes (MB503)

12-13.30 lunch break

13.30-14 Primoz Skraba (QMUL) - Homological Stratifications (MB502)

14-14.30 Jasna Urbancic (QMUL) - Point cloud optimization (MB502)

14.30-15 Hugo Maruri-Aguilar (QMUL) - An algebra approach to Betti numbers (MB502)

15-15.30 break

15.30-16 Ines Garcia Redondo (Imperial) - Fast cohomological cycle matching (MB502)

16-17 Discussion session (MB502)

If you are interested in being added to the mailing list for this seminar, please contact Nina Otter at n dot last-name @